Overall Project Ranking: 4.8 out of 5 stars
Marathon Partners Delivery Team: 4.8 out of 5 stars

“CO–OP Member Center teamed up with Marathon Partners Consulting to help us improve the performance of the call center. In partnership with our leaders, they transformed our workforce management, contact agent development and employee retention. As a result, our team is developing the skills they need to carry the positive changes forward for our clients and ensure sustainability.”
– Todd Clark, Chief Executive Officer, CO–OP Financial Services

“Marathon recently completed a project with our call center and the results were outstanding! They helped us greatly improve service levels and cost per call. Within the first four weeks of the project our members were already feeling the improvements. I highly recommend Marathon Partners.”
– Brian Alfano, Chief Retail Officer, Unitus Community Credit Union

“Marathon Partners provided significant support to our strategic planning process to in-source back-office work that had been previously outsourced. Their insights, capabilities and knowledge of activity based management, process and workflow optimization, and capacity modeling were extremely valuable in our overall planning and execution of the project.”
– Stephen Biringer, Vice President Investment Operations, Empire Life

“Marathon Partners brought a proven methodology and expert insight regarding back office process optimization. They helped us refine and calibrate our reporting and KPIs and more fully leverage our existing performance management solution. Their approach helped drive significant improvements throughout the business.”
– Bryan Burk, Vice President Global Operations, Chubb Insurance

“I was impressed with the team at Marathon Partners for their knowledge and the way they engaged our staff. They pushed us to get better, which we needed, but did so in a way that was well received. The project delivered exceptional results and was a big win for Envera.”
– Dan Neuwirth, Chief Executive Officer, Envera Health
“I chose Marathon because of their experience and knowledge of Verint Impact360 and back office performance management. They worked well with my team, which was important to me as the project was done during a very busy time of year. I would recommend Marathon to anybody looking to implement or refine a performance management solution. The project met all success criteria. Nice job guys!”
– Walter Barry, Chief Operating Officer, Ace Group